SEaRCH Governance

The collaboration is governed by a MOU and overseen by an Operations Committee which meets quarterly and undertakes an annual review of the work plan. Membership of this committee includes:

Prof Mark Harris, Executive Director A/Prof Terry Findlay, Director
Dr Julie McDonald, Senior Research Fellow, and Hub leader

Dr Greg Stewart, Director, Primary and Integrated Health
Ms Tish Bruce, Deputy Director, Primary and Integrated Health
Ms Linda Soars, Integrated Care Manager, Primary and Integrated Health
Ms Claire Phelan, Director, Oral Health

 The terms of reference of this committee are:

  • Agree and monitor the strategic directions and accompanying work plan, with an annual review of progress.
  • Identify opportunities for collaborative research, evaluation and development through the Primary Health Care Partnership and through third parties (e.g. Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (CESPHN)
  • Strengthen collaboration between the two organisations (i.e. CPHCE and SESLHD)
  • liaise and share information with the other CPHCE research hubs


Our Team

SEeRCH  Director
Dr Julie McDonald

Research Officer
Rachael Kearns