Name Changes for CHETRE’s programs and stream

Posted 5 July 2013

What’s in a name? The Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation (CHETRE) has renamed its key research programs. As Director Lynn Kemp says. “CHETRE’s role is to achieve better and fairer health for families and communities in south westernSydney, and throughoutAustraliaand internationally. CHETRE is known through its research programs. So we have now reached a point where we want our four programs to be more accessible and to have titles that convey what they do.” 

  •  Children and Young People Research Program focuses on understanding the needs of vulnerable families, and interventions to improve health, development and educational outcomes for families.
  •  Communities and Populations Research Program looks at the health and well being of whole communities and populations. This research is grounded in the evidence about the positive and negative impacts of social determinants of health and their distribution within our society.
  •  The Equity Implementation and Social Innovation Program plays a major role in local, national and international implementation of the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (MECSH) program, among its other significant programs of capacity-building and service support and evaluation programs.
  •  The Primary and Community Health Unit (PCHRU) undertakes learning-by-doing programs and training to build professional capacity in primary and community health research in south western Sydney.

Future newsletters will look at research outcomes from this highly effective organisation which is based in Liverpool at the Ingham Institute. For more information please link to our new website.