A conversation with Jenny Popay on Narrative Synthesis

Event Information

Monday, 9 October 2017
11:30am – 12:30pm

Colonial Theatre, AGSM Building, Gate 11, UNSW 

Elizabeth Harris
Phone: 02 9385 8402
Email: e.harris@unsw.edu.au

Jennie Popay’s research interests include the social determinants of health and health equity; the evaluation of complex public health policies and interventions; community empowerment; and the sociology of knowledge.

She has a particular interest in qualitative evidence review and synthesis and established the Qualitative Research Methods Group within the Cochrane Collaboration. With funding from the ESRC she worked with colleagues on the production of guidance on the conduct of Narrative Synthesis - a method used to review and synthesise findings from multiple mixed methods studies. The Narrative Synthesis Guidance is available and has been tested by reviewers working on systematic reviews in the UK, Canada, Australia and elsewhere.

More information: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/shm/research/nssr/research/dissemination/pub...