World No Tobacco Day

Event Information

Monday, 31 May 2021
1:30pm – 2:30pm


RSVP: Friday, 25 June 2021

World No Tobacco Day seminar is chaired by Dr. Marianne Gale, Director of Population and Community Health, this semina will discuss on vaping and smoking - what you need to know.

Meet the speakers:

Dr. Freeman is an Associate Prof at the University of Sydney. Her research interests include tobacco control, food advertising, and how online and social media influence public health. She is an expert adviser to the WHO on strengthening tobacco advertising bans in the age of digital online media. Exposing how commercial determinants negatively impact public health and stall effective policy advances is a common theme in her work. She is also a member of the NHMRC Electronic Cigarettes Working Committee.

Dr. Sitas is an Adjunct Associate Prof at UNSW and a Director at the UNSW Centre for Primary Care & Equity. He is a recipient of the Oettlè Memorial Medal in cancer research (2015), and has been recognised as the most cited Australian researcher in oncology (2020). Dr. Sitas led the redesign of the South African national death certificate, introducing smoking related fields. This is now the largest tobacco-attributed mortality study worldwide. His work on quantifying the benefits of smoking cessation led to the NSW Cancer Institute’s smoking cessation pilot projects among people diagnosed with cancer.

Dr. Curtis is the Director of the Mindgardens Neuroscience Network and is the Clinical Lead of Youth Mental Health (SESLHD). She is a Conjoint Associate Prof with the UNSW School of Psychiatry. Dr. Curtis is the developer of the internationally recognised Keeping Body in Mind Program. She also cofounded the iphYs international working group, a group concerned with the physical health of young people experiencing psychosis. Her research has influenced health service delivery and policy both nationally and internationally. She has also contributed to the WHO guideline development working group for physical health in adults with severe mental illness.

Please click here for the reocding of this seminar.