Overweight and obesity among adolescent refugees and migrants arriving in Australia: A review of the literature

Project Status

Chief Investigators
Rachael Kearns, Lisa Woodland (South Eastern Sydney Local Health District)

Project Coordinator
Ben Harris-Roxas (CPHCE)

Project Rationale

Overweight and obesity is widely accepted as a significant public health issue in Australia and refugees and migrants are at increased risk.  Refugee health screening programs from NSW are reporting increasing trends in the number of newly arrived refugee and migrant adolescents and young people who are experiencing overweight and obesity. These increases demonstrate a change in the patterns of overweight and obesity among refugees and migrants in this age group. 

Project Aim/s

The aim of the review was to determine the research evidence available for overweight and obesity among refugee and migrant adolescent populations who have recently arrived in their resettlement country. 

Project Design and Method

A literature review was conducted. Selection criteria were established to guide the inclusion of evidence based on the project aims. Literature searches were conducted in Medline, Google Scholar and in the NSW Refugee Health Service E-News publication. Data from the included publications were extracted and summarised into tables for analysis. 

Any Publications

Project report:

Overweight and obesity among adolescent refugees and migrants arriving in Australia: A review of the literature