A Healthy Western Sydney Airport

Project Status

Evelyne De Leeuw, Alana Crimeen, Katie Hirono, Ben Harris-Roxas, SWSLHD Population Health Western Sydney Airport Group


It is recognised that as well as a terminal for air travel a modern airport can be a destination in its own right; one that provides for instance, retail services and places for entertainment and recreation for local and regional populations. It is a major development with significant infrastructure which connects to, and is part of, the surrounding and more regional communities. Airports are also places of employment, both on site and in surrounding areas, which draw largely on local populations. Airports and their surrounds   therefore have large both transient and permanent populations, and like any other community the health of these populations is impacted on by the nature of their built environment. This includes such things as access to healthy food, access to opportunities for physical activity and active forms of transport, the relationship of the airport to the local community, and the environmental footprint of the airport.

A SWSLHD Population Health working group has been formed which aims to identify and document the elements of a healthy airport, an airport being defined as not simply the area within its geographical boundary but also the many activities and services that connect the airport to the community at large. It is envisaged that this work will potentially be used as a guide to healthy airport development and operation and to informing the public about the issues.


To develop a Healthy Airports settings-based approach, which sets out its geographical, operational, and practical boundaries.

Design and Method

The project will be undertaken in three stages.

  • Stage 1: Undertaking a desktop review of the available literature on what would constitute a Healthy Airport approach and developing a Vision Statement
  • Stage 2: Conduct stakeholder engagement based on the Visions Statement developed in Stage 1.
  • Stage 3: Creation and dissemination of a final report.