Action for Equity

Description and aims

This stream supports better and fairer health for families and communities locally, nationally and internationally. There are three research programs within this stream.

Key current research areas

Children and young people

This program focuses on understanding the needs of vulnerable families and developing and trailing interventions to improve child and young people’s health, development and educational outcomes, including individual, family and service system interventions.

Communities and Populations

This program focuses on the health and wellbeing of whole communities and populations. Research in this program is conducted with communities, populations and organisations, and address planning and policies.

Equity Implementation and Social Innovation

This program focuses on building individual, community, organisational and service system capacity to effectively implement tools and interventions to improve health and development outcomes for families and communities.

Key partners

Key partners in the stream and its research programmes are local communities (particular the Tharawal community in South Western Sydney), consumer groups and community advocates, health districts, local councils, and industry.

Stream lead

Evelyne de Leeuw and Fiona Haigh jointly lead this stream.



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Evaluation of Community 2168 - A whole of Government intervention in a disadvantaged community

This current strategice plan provides the direction for the planning and implementation of activities in the period 2009 – 2012 and adopts a whole of government and community partnership approach to improving outcomes for 2168 residents.

Gudaga Project I: Health and development of Aboriginal infants in an urban environment

This study addresses the current gap by monitoring, over a three year period, the health status of 200 Aboriginal babies born at Campbelltown hospital.

Gudaga Project II: Understanding the Health Development and Service of Aboriginal children in an urban community

Further investigation into the Gudaga I study after receiving NHMRC funding.

HIA of the Emergency Intervention in the Northern Territory

A Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the implementation of the Australian Government’s National Emergency Response to Protect Aboriginal Children in the Northern Territory




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